List of National Natural Landmarks in Montana

From List of National Natural Landmarks, these are the National Natural Landmarks in Montana. There are 10 in total, X are lakes or pond, Y are forests, Z are other.

Name Image Date Location County Description
1 Bug Creek Fossil Area 01966 1966 McCone Produced abundant remains of small, Cretaceous mammals.
2 Bridger Fossil Area 01973 1973 Carbon Contains fossils of Deinonychus antirrhopus.
3 Cloverly Formation Site 01973 1973 Big Horn Contains early Cretaceous vertebrate fossils.
4 Capitol Rock 01976 1976 Carter A remnant of the once continuous blanket of Tertiary deposits that covered much of the Great Plains.
5 Glacial Lake Missoula 01966 1966 Sanders Contains the best examples of giant flood ripples in the North American continent.
6 Hell Creek Fossil Area 01966 1966 Garfield The type locality for Tyrannosaurus rex, Ankylosaurus magniventris, and Brachychampsa fontana fossils.
7 Middle Fork Canyon 01977 1977 Gallatin An outstanding example of a canyon cut across the grain of the geologic structure by a superposed stream.
8 Medicine Lake Site 01980 1980 Sheridan An exceptional example of the processes of continental glaciation, including till, outwash, eskers, kames, and terrace deposits.
9 Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge 01966 1966 Beaverhead A series of relatively undisturbed, high-altitude ecosystem types representative of pre-European settlement conditions.
10 Square Butte 01980 1980 Chouteau One of the best examples of banded magmatic rock in the United States.